Principle 3 Timely Action – Week 2 – 2024

 March 7, 2024 

Principle 3. The Principle of Timely Action. Second Week
Do not oppose a great force. Retreat until it weakens then advance with resolution.

To do list for this week:

-consider the principle in light of the past

-play the game of Find It!

This Week:

We are continuing to explore the “The Principle of Timely Action” the third of the principles of valid action (chapter 13 of The Inner Look). 

Last week we looked at the principle in general, its overall sense and structure. 

This week we will be examining how we applied it, or could have applied it, in the past. 


Can I think of one situation in the past where I applied or could have applied this principle, or on the other hand,  where I violated it? Can I see why I went down this road? What particular consequences resulted? How would I characterize these results? 

At our next meeting we will discuss and compare our reflections.

This Week’s Game

 What could be difficult about a game where you have almost nothing to do beyond listening? Why is it often so hard? Don’t avoid giving yourself an answer to this question. 

It’s simple: turn to someone and ask them what these words might mean. 

Try it out. Simply say to a friend, your neighbour, family member, or some stranger on the street: “I’ve been discussing this saying with some friends, and everyone had a different take on it. What’s yours?” Obviously, you don’t need to use those words. The point is to solicit their opinion, and then the hard part. You need to listen — even when they say, “I think that’s stupid”.

Remember, there’s four parts to the game. Each is important:

Ask. Shut up. Listen. Say Thanks.

Personal Reflections:

Here’s some raw material that I hope you will find useful in your own reflections. 

Perhaps more than ever our attention these days is drawn to the enormous upheavals taking place all over the world. How could it be otherwise given the convergence of factors like: the wars, a rapidly changing climate, and rapidly growing gulf between the rich and everyone else, species extinction, the growth of authoritarian regimes, the disintegration of the social fabric, the increasing acceptance of violence as the way to settle grievances whether personal or socio-political. 

As a little break from all that I’d like to propose a review of the principle, not as it applies to the latest crisis around us but instead in terms of navigating “internal” forces. Perhaps we find ourselves thinking about the current conflicts that threaten to lead to the direct confrontation between nuclear powers. Very good but — just for a moment let us reflect not on those historical threats but on the forces at work in us. Forces like fears, tensions, compulsions, etc.  How can we measure them? Are they great? That seems to be something you only know by experience, by testing them, by pushing back against them. How, if it is necessary, can we retreat? How can I create a momentary respite from their pressures? How can with their waning then advance? 


In this, and the other examples we give are trying to deepen our understanding of the principles and their applications by meditation, interchange and questioning. When I feel unclear how to precede I start my meditation by asking myself very simple questions about the past. For example, things like: how did I know when a force was great? Is there some way, besides hindsight, that allowed me to reliably judge the strength of the opposing force? Did I sometimes misjudge and retreat in front of, what were really, minor inconveniences? How did that work out? 

Coming up:

Next week we’ll look at how the principle of timely action might apply to our present situations. 

We study the principles this way not just in order to deepen our understanding a particular principle, but also to find a way begin to reflect more rigorously about our daily behaviour in general. And to discover ways to transform daily life into a permanent meditation.

Worth Repeating:

Learn to resist the violence that is within you and outside of you.

Silo, The Path


Eyes Wide Open!

Not all meditation requires you to sit down and close your eyes. 

Coming up:

Next week we’ll look at how the principle of timely action might apply to our current situations.  All of this is not just useful in order to deepen our understanding this particular principle, but more generally to cultivate increasing awareness of, and insight into, our daily behaviour. 


These notes have been posted on Facebook and sent to our email list. You will also find them along with other comments, and reflections on my website:

This weeks photo: another cat just chilling until that dog gets bored and leaves.


Up next…